ISBN Obim Format
978-86-82363-97-2 301 strana B5
The Republic of Serbia is clearly an integral part of the “world market of people”. With that, it is certain that, as a transition country, it has not completed the reform of the national system of security. Consequently, there are still numerous gaps and imperfectness of our overall security policy, of the subjects of the security system, as well as of actions and measures that are taken in the field of the prevention, prosecution and victim protection – related to the crime in general, and in particular to serious offenses such as trafficking in persons. The research proved that our system of combating trafficking in persons is far from ideal, and that we have to invest additional efforts towards its reform and professionalization. In that regard, the recommendations defined based on the conclusions of the research are especially important.
Male trafficking in Serbia is a study undertaken by a team of researchers of the Victimology Society of Serbia, led by Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, PhD. Th is comprehensive, empirical research, part of a two year project titled Male Victims of Human Trafficking in Serbia, was financially supported by the U.S. Department of State – Office to Monitor and Combat trafficking in Persons.
It is an original and courageous development: until now, in our country and in the broader region, empirical research on male trafficking has not been conducted. By shattering the deeply sewn-in biases that men are not and cannot be the victims of trafficking in persons and that this is a crime only against women and children, the research team of the Victimization Society of Serbia brought to light the “dark belt” of the contemporary difficult organized crime problem in our country, for which there is no theoretical basis or empirical state agency reports.
Because of the complex and latent nature of male trafficking, the research obviously faced numerous difficulties that the researchers skillfully and successfully overcame. The problem of finding adequate social research instruments was not an obstacle for this research team: the Victimology Society of Serbia has a rich experience that makes them a substantial authority in the field of the research of trafficking in persons and on the practical action in solving this security issue.
The structure of the study was systematically put in place, respecting the order of the presentations from the general, through particular, to individual. Aside from the Introduction that presents insights on the motives, history and the actors of the research, the study has six chapters. Nearly all of them also contain the introductory part, the main part and the conclusion. Such a systematic approach affirms the thoroughness, the persistence and the dedication of the researchers who tried to bring light to all of the relevant facts, as well as to the details about particular segments of the subject of their research. Th at makes this study especially informative, which is why it will certainly serve as an incentive and as a “seed for ideas” among future researchers of the trafficking in persons phenomenon.
Saša Mijalković, PhD Assistant Professor at the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade